I am a fourth-year Ph.D. student at the Computer Science Department of Yale University advised by Marynel Vázquez and Brian Scassellati. My current research focus is interactive machine learning and human-robot interaction, and I am specifically interested in reinforcement learning from human feedback, as well as efficient robot learning of tasks and social rules via intelligent interactions with humans. Prior to joining Yale, I was a M.S. student in Learning Agents Research Group at the University of Texas at Austin, where I completed my thesis research on the EMPATHIC framework for task learning from implicit human feedback under the supervision of Peter Stone and Scott Niekum.
Predicting Human Perceptions of Robot Performance During Navigation Tasks
Qiping Zhang*, Nathan Tsoi*, Mofeed Nagib, Booyeon Choi, Jie Tan, Hao-Tien Lewis Chiang, Marynel Vázquez
ACM Transactions on Human-Robot Interaction
Dataset and code
Self-Annotation Methods for Aligning Implicit and Explicit Human Feedback in Human-Robot Interaction
Qiping Zhang, Austin Narcomey, Kate Candon, Marynel Vázquez
Proceedings of the 2023 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI), Mar 2023
The EMPATHIC Framework for Task Learning from Implicit Human Feedback
Qiping Zhang*, Yuchen Cui*, Alessandro Allievi, Peter Stone, Scott Niekum, W. Bradley Knox
Proceedings of the 4th Annual Conference on Robot Learning (CoRL), Nov 2020
(* indicates equal contribution)
Project page
3D Backscatter Localization for Fine-Grained Robotics
Zhihong Luo, Qiping Zhang, Yunfei Ma, Manish Singh, Fadel Adib
16th USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation (NSDI), Feb 2019
Project page
SEAN-VR: An Immersive Virtual Reality Experience for Evaluating Social Robot Navigation
Qiping Zhang*, Nathan Tsoi*, Marynel Vázquez
HRI'23 Videos and Demos, Mar 2023
Reaction Modeling for Deriving General Task Information from Implicit Human Feedback
Qiping Zhang*, Yuchen Cui*, Sahil Jain, Alessandro Allievi, Peter Stone, Scott Niekum, W. Bradley Knox
HRI'21 Workshop on Exploring Applications for Autonomous Non-Verbal Human-Robot Interactions, Mar 2021
(* indicates equal contribution)
Demonstration of the EMPATHIC Framework for Task Learning from Implicit Human Feedback
Qiping Zhang*, Yuchen Cui*, Sahil Jain, Alessandro Allievi, Peter Stone, Scott Niekum, W. Bradley Knox
AAAI-21 Demonstrations Program, Feb 2021
(* indicates equal contribution)
CPSC 472/572: Intelligent Robotics:
Graduate Teaching Assistant, Yale University, Fall 2022
COMP2396: Object-oriented Programming and Java:
Undergraduate Teaching Assistant, The University of Hong Kong, Fall 2017
ENGG1111: Computer Programming and Applications:
Undergraduate Teaching Assistant, The University of Hong Kong, Spring 2017
Human Emotion Recognition and Utilization for Game-Playing Robot
Research project under the supervision of Reid Simmons.
developing a scrabble-playing robot that conditions its behavior on different human player moods recognized during interaction.
Reward Sharing for Multi-Agent RL
CS 394R: Reinforcement Learning, The University of Texas at Austin
Course project with Jordan Schneider and William Macke. [Github]
Investigating the effects of reward sharing in traffic light control domains based on Flow.
Semantic Video Segmentation
Final year project under the supervision of Kenneth K.Y. Wong.
Improving temporal segmentation consistency by combining the DeepLab model with optical flow.
Inference-Based AI Cognitive System
Undergraduate study under the supervision of Ken Forbus. [Github]
Building an inference-based AI cognitive system with Microsoft \psi framework to support interactive dialogues and multi-modal Q&A tasks.
Quantum Communication in Superposition of Causal Orders
Undergraduate study under the supervision of Giulio Chiribella.
Constructing a quantum circuit implementing “2-switch” operation for unambiguous determination of quantum channels.